Making generalizations

However, it is often assumed that when you hire a professional to does a certain Job, such as a real state agent to assist you in the housing market, you (it is expected that they work in your best interest) expect them to give it everything they’ve got and get you the best deal. Unfortunately this probably isn’t true, its very likely that the agent isn’t going to do the best Job possible because there really isn’t that great a reward for them doing so.

So, if people generally assume that hiring a real estate agent will result in a high selling point for their house and a low buying point for their new one, it’s likely that they will (may) be disappointed when (if) they don’t get the intended result because he agent didn’t do everything possible. As a business owner who’s having to go(inning) through the hiring employees it can be very dangerous for you to make assumptions or generalizations when your choosing a potential employee.

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However, studies have shown that when someone who goes through an interview process (is interviewed) or submits an application and has a statistically black name is often it is less likely to get the Job simply because someone made assumptions about the person based on their name and not their character or other important factors in the hiring process. Essay 2 A social incentive works through influencing people to act in an agreeable fashion around other people. Social incentives shape through the pressure exerted by the people around us to conform and act acceptably.

However, when other people aren’t around us and viewing us we no longer have the social incentive that pressures us to act accordingly. Levity shows social incentives through the “shaming offensive” employed by American cities against prostitution and the collapse of the UK Klux Klan. Social incentives formed against prostitution and the UK Klux Klan through exposing these institutions to the public eye. Levity states that some American cities have combated prostitution by posting images of convicted Johns and prostitutes to the public.

In doing this, the public eye is turned to a usually hushed up institution and people are less likely to commit the crime due to the fear of the public seeing them as a pervert and as someone doing what is wrong according to the public. Additionally, social incentives formed against being a part of UK Klux Klan as members and customs of this once secret organization came to light following the infiltration of its ranks. People were less likely to become members because the public could discover them being part of an organization considered by the public to be wrong and immoral.

As the public discovered more of the Klan, Clansmen left to protect their public images in the case of discovery. Social incentives can become powerful as long as the public can see the actions to the group that one desires to change. The weakness of social incentives is the shroud of secrecy for once someone’s actions are hidden from others that someone is no longer affected by social incentives. Social incentives works through turning the eye of the public to objectionable actions in order to decrease the likelihood of the actions occurring.

Essay 3 Although the definition of reality may be easily defined and understood as what we simply observe, as humans, it is in our nature to misperceive and misinterpret quite frequently. Reality is what is simply there and a fact. Have you ever heard something but there was nothing there? If you have, you have also been a victim of misperceive, like the other majority of people. The way we perceive certain tuitions and encounters is demonstrated and analyzed in Freakishness. Levity states that humans usually tend to interpret situations to their own advantage.

What we sometimes hear is transformed into something to benefit ourselves in certain situations. Conventional wisdom is also defined in Freakishness as what is believed by the general public or group of experts. This belief may not be a set fact or proven but we tend to believe it because we want to uphold the status quo. Levity defines conventional wisdom, “must be simple, convenient, comfortable, and comforting- Hough not necessarily true. ” We want to believe in a perfect world where everyone is morally upright and honesty is always practiced.

For example, Levity gives the reader many demonstrations where experts use their knowledge to their own advantage. Some may keep significant information from you to benefit themselves in return for money, surgeries, or simply their own pleasure. No matter what their incentive may be, the reality is that in spite of what people want to believe, most people are self centered. Most perceive that experts use their knowledge to benefit us but that ideal oral is not realistic. This relationship between perception and reality can also be demonstrated by stereotypes.

Our nature often allows us to make assumptions about everything we see. We commonly perceive all African Americans to be good at sports or all gothic to be depressed and wear black when this is Just how our eyes portray it and not actual reality. Thus, Just because we see something with our eye does not make it true and what we hear, smell, see, and touch can often cause illusions in one’s mind, contrary to reality. Essay 4 Dear current or soon to be Moms and Dads around the world, I really hope you have the ability to read this quick piece of advice I have for you before taking the endeavor of raising a kid.

Why you might ask? The answer is found from using data from an economist Steven D. Levity, in his book Freakishness. I have found one very popular thing that parent’s tend to do, probably not on purpose, which is Just simply silly. This being that most parent’s don’t access health and life risks for their kids very well. The example that Levity uses in his book is that parent’s will typically let their kid go to a rind’s pool without even considering the dangers, while the same parent’s will not let their kid go over to a house in which the other child’s parent’s posses a gun.

In his research he finds that a child is more than 100 times more likely do die in a pool than being snot by a gun. This incorrectness in measuring risks extends to other areas to your child’s life and not only can it do serious harm in the initial ages of growing up but will most likely also carry with your beloved child later on in life when he must way out the same decisions. So please do me a favor and make sure that you search risks and think on your own, rather than the popular opinion, to make sure your little masterpiece can remain safe and do the same for his or here’s.

Essay 5 Incentive are, according to Freakishness, what make the world go round and as incentives go, economic ones are pretty important. Economic incentives, however, only work if the people that the incentives are offered to genuinely believe that they will benefit from them. In the book a drug dealing gang is discussed, the Black Disciples, and although drug dealing is a supposed a very well paying Job, it turns out hat street level members or vendors are making below minimum wage and that there are even people paying dues but not yet in the gang hoping to land the below minimum wage street Job.

This isn’t what the common knowledge says; that drug- dealers make below minimum wage, but it turns out that like a big corporations, drug dealers don’t make a ton until they’re at the top of the food chain of their gang. This is the economic incentive to the street level worker who probably wasn’t presented with many opportunities growing up. This economic incentive is one that is very ungenerous and is very rare to actually reach but to these young men who are looking for any way to make decent pay and not finding many options, signing up and hoping to move up may be their only option.

Another economic incentive discussed in Freakishness is the incentive to hire a real estate agent when selling a house. This is an incentive that seems like it will end with you receiving more money because where you know very little about the real estate market and may not know what kind of qualifications may make your house worth a lot or a little money, in theory, an gent does and will get you the best price.

Once a real estate agent is hired, this incentive has worked however the book goes on to show that in many cases the real estate agent could have gotten you 10,000 dollars more on your home but didn’t because their economic incentive of a cut of 1. 5% (1 50 dollars) wasn’t enough for the extra effort of getting $10,000 more. In this case the economic incentives of the seller and their agent work against each other usually meaning that the house isn’t sold for the highest price possible.