Love Death and Dishonour

“Love, death and dishonor” In this article the author, Amy Kinsman, really expressed that the killing of Monika Dakar was not a coincidence and that there was nothing being done about it. She really felt that the police was not helping or investigating. I could really get the sense that she felt that way by Just looking at her comments, “A girl is cremated without post-mortem and without medical assistance and there’s nothing to investigate? ” and “This couple knew their love would challenge Indian’s traditional values of caste UT put their trust in the rule of law. “.

Although the family of Monika Dakar was accused of murdering her(“honor killing”) it has not been confirmed yet the author seems to believe they are guilty. I believe it was the family “honor killing” their own daughter and that the police should have put themselves right in the case. It’s unfair this happened and Justice must be placed. If I were to see this happen to a friend or myself I would step in and the police would step in too, in matter of fact if it was anyone I know, I would. Now of course, this would never happen in Canada the police would step in immediately.

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Unfortunately, those ten’s had a terrible experience and well one is dead and the other is extremely sad. In Canada, this experience is seen as a murder, not “honor killing” and there is no way the police would not get involved immediately with this case. It’s really too bad that they had to go through such a situation and not see any Justice follow. I think it really shows the differences between India and Canada. Now “honor killing” is one matter that I do not agree pond and arranged marriages is another.

I think everyone should have the choice to choose who they want to marry. I mean marriage is a serious affair, it’s choosing who you want to be with and love for your whole life. Arranged marriages however, do not give you such the option to marry your true love(in most cases) and it could make the couple unhappy for the rest of their lives. I simply think arranged marriage is unfair an I’m glad I will never be put in that position. May Monika Dakar rest in peace and may Justice be ensued in the case. By: Phil Medicos