Judgment and Biggest Pet Peeve

Judging Others Judging others is one of my biggest pet peeve. An explanation of how it could be dangerous, how unfair it is, and finally how to stop being Judgmental. Introduction: l. According to Sir Chinook, “the more we Judge others for their circumstances, the more we are likely to suffer from those same circumstances. ” II. Judging others is one of my biggest pet peeve. I will begin by explaining how negative and unacceptable it is, and an explanation of how Judging others could be dangerous, and finally roving a few reasons of how to stop being people-judgmental.

Body: l. Judging others is not unfair a. It is not acceptable to Judge a person on what they wear, have or own. For example, it is completely not fair to say that somebody has a rotten personality just because their clothes are a little dirty and smelly – that’s Just not right. Maybe he/she Just went to PEE without deodorant and forgot to take a shower and then fell into a dirty pit. The way you Judge, you will be Judged also. II. Judging others is dangerous a.

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According to Timothy Peck, “Judging other people is dangerous because it takes us into a false sense of security, blinds us to our own faults, and usurps God’s role as Judge. ” Ill. If we were to reduce how Judgmental we are, we would probably experience the following: a. Increase clarity. Our thoughts, feelings, behaviors and words would not be clouded by Judgments and we could see what was actually going on. We would not be overwhelmed by analysis of the surrounding situations. B. Social relationships would benefit in other contexts.

We could accept people as they are. Without imposing Judgment we would be more tolerant of their behaviors, even those we wouldn’t ordinarily approve. C. Increased happiness overall because there is less Judgment about how others are behaving and how that impacts upon us directly. Many of us personalize others’ actions. For example, if someone does not respond to us in the way we hope or expect we are often offended because we take it personally. Removing the Judgmental aspect will allow us to see others’ behavior as entirely independent.

Conclusion: a. In conclusion Judging people is unaccepted I. What would be your attitude if someone you know or do not know Judge your action, behavior? B. By providing a few reasons of how to stop being judgmental, I leave the question up to you: I. Why do people always Judge others? And why cannot they help them out or give them good advice? Work Cited Timothy, Peck. (2000,Cot). Danger of Judging People. Sacramental. Com Retrieved September 17, 2013 from www. Sacramental. Com