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JetBlue and WestJet Case Study1. How important is the reservation system at airlines such as WestJet and JetBlue. How does it impact operational activities and decision makingReservation systems are very important in a way that they keep things organized. Being that these systems are computerized and store information they are very useful. With these systems you know who purchased what and where they are going in the operational activities. They also decide how many people purchased and when. This gives the airlines a general idea on how the flights will partake within the day. Since these companies are small and fairly new, efficient customer service is essential to their success. When potential customers visit the JetBlue and WestJet websites and view their competitive rates, it is imperative that they are met with a completely capable, efficient information system to book their reservations on.
Also, the reservation system will impact operational activities because it clearly lies out how many reservations are currently booked which is essential in deciding on the number of aircraft to use for a specific block of time to a specific destination. It also provides foresight on how much fuel to have on the aircraft etc. Another thing that the reservation system helps is the ability to know when to advertise specials on certain flights in order to fill the roster and offer standby to last minute travelers. 2. Evaluate the risks of the projects to upgrade the reservation systems of WestJet and JetBlue and key risk factors.
Losing data would have been one of the most detrimental risk factors. If this were to happen other problems would delay flights as well as having very upset customers. There are several risks associated with upgrading any information systems within a company. Typically the most difficult tasks involve providing training to the employees that are responsible for using, operating or receiving data from the upgraded information systems….

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