How to Achieve Maximum Thermal Efficiency of the Steam Boiler

the steam boiler is a type of industrial boilers through a fuel combustion furnace heating water for industrial production output steam. In the process of production and use, in order to achieve maximum economic efficiency, the need to improve the thermal efficiency of the boiler, so not only can reduce the combustion of fuel, can also reduce the pollution of the environment, in line with the national energy saving requirements.
ZG steam boiler( generous appearance, compact structure, small footprint, easy to transport, less investment in infrastructure, both followed the energy saving ideas, but also meets the energy required for the project, as well as enterprises in order to make the maximum thermal efficiency of the steam boiler.
Rational use of insulation and boiler flue gas heat:
None of the boiler heat insulation measures, the surface temperature of the boiler does not exceed 50 degrees to 60 degrees, so that heat loss at the surface of the steam boiler is within 3%. Boiler insulation effect is not good for re-insulation. Due to the change in the flue gas does not burn gas dust, you can switch to high-efficiency heat exchanger economizer, make full use of waste heat from the flue gas. Rational transformation of heat transfer surface:
For coal-fired steam boiler in China (, furnace to control the amount of air leakage and the flue, the concept of the boiler fire hole is sealed to the boiler flue duct sealing and transformation, especially brick flue duct and a large amount of air leakage when, after the burning of gas, must be sealed, preferably to a metal flue. When more than one boiler flue share a total time should be set on each boiler flue points off device to prevent flue gas and residual gas purging process stops flowing into the boiler furnace.
Increase in the steam boiler convective heat transfer:…

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