Eye Color and Olivia

Diana is a creative 32 year old chef. Her hair the color of red maple leafs that layer the dew covered ground in fall. Loose day old curls fall to her shoulders, pulled back and held up with a yellow ribbon secured with a bow. Smells of light Jasmine and fresh linen came from her Ana blue and white floral knee length dress that permeates the space around her. Around her neck hangs a loose necklace which holds a round shiny silver pendant engraved with a single initial. Hazel eyes with a misty shade of blue that sparkle like diamonds on the darkest of nights. Her hands moth with soft faint wrinkles.

On her left hand on one finger a simple twin band coated in tiny diamonds, at the center of the ring sparkles larger eye catching square diamonds. Olivia is a short 25 year old baker. Stunning crystal blue eyes like a slate of thin ice. Heavy mascara coat her long eyelashes, black eye shadow covers the entire lid of her sparkling eyes. She wears tight fitting clothes. Her maroon colored t- sit snug and revealing. With a sheer lace back showing Off purple rose tattoo on her shoulder blade. Dark blue low rise Shares plastered to her legs with an ankle zippers. Hunter green high top sneakers lased and tied.

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Her hair black, cut to a short bob, her bangs loosely draped to one side. A fax leather cuff buttoned around her right wrist read her name in capital letters. Before flipping the close sign to open for the day Diana and Olivia head to the back of the cafe©’s kitchen. In a sleepy walk, not ready for the morning rush they both head for the large porcelain kitchen sink. Washing their hands together, they’re fingers accidental interlock. Olivia softly giggles as Donna’s thousand watt smile appears. “l love seeing your beautiful smile. Truly brightens my day. “That lace back t shirt brightens my day’ says Diana with a wink.

The lovers both laugh. Drying their hands, Olivia reaches for both mint green cafe© aprons that read “The Olive Scone”. With aprons on and ingredients covering a large space of grey marble counter along with bowls, measuring cups, whisks, rubber spatulas, pots and pans. Diana sets a large pot on the wood burning stove. Tossing handfuls of fresh cut onions and 10 cups of beef broth into the pot. Across the kitchen at a clear marble counter top Diana watches as Olivia sprinkles flour over the smooth surface and slaps down a large ball f double chocolate chip cookie dough.

Watching Olivia roll the cookie dough into a large circle. Glancing up Olivia catches Donna’s daze, eyes locked they stared deep into each other’s eyes, wanting. Half way through preparing a vat of French onion soup Diana Joins Olivia on her side of the kitchen. As Olivia finished with her third batch of cookies, placing them on the cookie sheet in tight neat rows, Diana grabs her by the waist, turning her around so they’re face to face. Olivia giggles as she gives Diana a peck on the lips and runs to the other end of the kitchen. Both Diana and

Olivia grab a hand full of flour both prepared to launch the light powder at each other. Donna’s loose curls and floral dress covered in flour, her yellow ribbon loosely tired, hanging by a few strands of hair. Flour drenched over Olive’s Shares and down the back of her lace t-shirt, both begin to laugh. Leaving behind white tracks of flour as they walk toward each other. Creating a thin cloud of flour as they hug, wrapping they’re arms around each other tightly. Olivia lightly kisses Donna’s neck; n thousand watt smile appears as chills run down her arms. Diana grabs a fist full of

Olive’s short Jet black hair. Gently tugging, tilting her head back, and bringing Olivia face to face with Diana. Gazing into one another’s eyes Diana slowly learns into Olivia pushing her against the counter. The French onion soup bubbles over splashing on the floor next to their flour covered feet; the smell of burning double chocolate chip fills the kitchen. Diana closes her eyes, slightly leaning her head to the side. Feeling Olive’s shallow breath touch her lips as her lips make contact with Olive’s soft lips. Lost in a passionate kiss they forgot to flip the sign.