
.Jessica Marsh
Persuasive Essay
There are many pros and cons of Marine Mannals being held in captivity. Dolphins and whales are held in captivity all around the world. Although this may seem like a bad thing, there are some good aspects of it. For example, we’ve now discovered ego location thanks to the dolphins. We know a great more deal about them, how they behave in general, how they interact with each other, what they eat, and we’ve also learned about their inner skeleton for scientific studies. Children everywhere are all so fascinated by dolphins and whales, and it’s good that they can see them in real life. If dolphins and whales weren’t held in captivity, children and many more wouldn’t be able to experience this. Another pro of this would be if the animal is about to become extinct. We could mate them with others and therefore creating more of that species, that way they won’t be extinct anymore. We’ve advanced a long way by studying dolphins and whales. Those are some pros of holding dolphins and whales in captivity.
The cons of this would be that the animal wouldn’t be able to live a fullfilling life. They would also be seperated from their families. I couldn’t even imagine that happening. We’ve hurt them, and tortured them just so they can be put on display for showings at Sea World and many more organizations. That isn’t what they’re meant and created for. They’re in the ocean for a reason, becuase they need a lot of space to move and function. It isn’t fair that they have to be put in such a small space, being controlld all the time, and not having any fun. Also, these animals can be dangerous. It’s better to leave them alone, so nobody gets hurt. In the Blackfish movie, the killer whale killed and injured many people. It could be the trainers fault, but this wouldn’t even be happening if they were never in captivity to begin with. They’re wild animals, and we should treat them like it. Those are the cons of holding dolphins and…

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