For my Deaf Event Write Up, I attended my church, Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, Sunday church service. Our current study is in 2nd Corinthians 8:1-9.
The title of this message is called “Given whats been given: developing and maintaining your new life in Christ.” The pastor emplifies that giving is
an act of grace, sacrafice, fellowship, dedication, and maturity. Facial Expressions: In my personal view, the whole sermon, the lady had more of a straight face, but when the worship begun I found her signing the
lyrics, lenghthing words with grace. Her eyes were in awe of the music. Opening her mouth to the words but not saying themGetting Other’s Attention: Before the sermon started, the interpreter waved her hand in my peripheral vision to tell me that the sermon is about
to start.Commands Involving Location and Real World Orientation: The interpreter signed the upcoming events. Jr high Winter Camp, sign up in the Jr High
Room #226. She then pointed in the direction to where it was.Ordinal Numbers: The interpreter signed the current verse “2nd Corinthians 8:1-9”.Lengths of Time: Since August of 1990 to today, (24 years), we’ve had no sermons on tithing or giving or a building fund or some finacial campaign.Yes/No Questions: Pastor asked, has anyone ever seen a projected thermometer on whats been given to the church, yes or no? Everyone replied with no.WH-word Questions: Why is “giving” such a touchy issue among us humans? I mine as well give the answer. As people, its something that provides for us, either real or imagined – security,
comfort, power, freedom. In short, we love money and we love to think that money can do for us what a god can do. The more money we have the less we
need God. In fact our money becomes our god if we depend on it, which is very sad.Cardinal Numbers: The interpreter signed the scripture verse “Luke 16:13” which says, “No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate
the one and love…