Cell Phone Radiation

A discussion on the characteristics and consistency of a biblical worldview. Contrast the characteristics and consistency of one other worldview examined during this course. Be prepared to present your presentation to the class and repaper a detailed outline for our presentation that you will give to your instructor. Reflect on the material we have covered throughout the course. Be prepared to discuss the following questions: * How does a biblical worldview impact my decision making at home? * How does a biblical worldview impact my decision making at work? * How does a biblical worldview impact my decision making in my social life? Throughout the course you will be completing a Journal.

The Journal will consist of vive one-page essays (one page from each week). These Thought Journals will help you analytically consider new insights as well as additional thoughts on previous insights. Write a one-page Journal entry that addresses a biblical worldview and how the learning this week impacted your perspective on a biblical worldview. In the journal you may incorporate a personal reflection on a specific situation, an observation on contemporary worldview debates, or a description of a recent event. Cell Phone Radiation By reproachfully

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