
Lady Sarah Ashley speaking of Drover’s death
I stand before you today as a wife mourning her husband. Hugh Jackman also known as Drover was born on the 12th of January 1897, in Western Australia. He was the only child of Jake and Mary. They lived in a town called Derby in Western Australia, and later moved to Darwin where Drover grew up and lived his formative years, this was the place he found himself successful. I acknowledge that I am not the only one feeling this grief and pain for the loss of a beloved family or friend. Life will never be as colourful as it was without our hard working and loving Drover. It is truly a tragedy to have lost such a caring man the way we did. Unfortunately, he was taken from us earlier than we would have expected. But his cancer was too much for him to bear, and I’m glad that he is finally at rest after a life time of battles. Maybe we would have all had a chance to say good-bye for our final times. Today we have the chance to be able to pay our respects to our dearest one and we offer you our utmost condolences. This husband of mine, was a well-known man as he fought for our country. Not only was he known for that but also many other things.
At the end of every day, as he rests from his labors, every man asks himself, “Have I made my spouse and children proud? Did I make their worlds at least a little bit better?” Ever a caring husband and father, this is the way Hugh Jackman lived his life. Drover always said “The only thing you really own is a story, just make it a good one.” Well, Drover you certainly lived a good story. Those are words of wisdom that I will always cherish. He was the most giving person I’ve ever known and judging from the nodding heads, it seems that many of you agree. He devoted many hours into his hard work and was known for being ready with a helping hand and always having a positive attitude.
Although he came from simple beginnings, Drover worked his way through college and had a long successful…

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