
First blog (Open Forum):
As a first thought of the title “Why I Take Good Care of My Macintosh” by Gary Snyder, it seemed to be a repelling one. Then, as I went further through his poem the more it appeared to be ambiguous and lacks clearness. However, Gary Snyder’s poem described the astonishing relation between himself and his Macintosh. It was as if that Macintosh made him feel so complete that nothing else mattered anymore. This point in particular shows us that technology became an indispensable factor of our daily life; thus, Gary might have wanted us to see that our whole life relies on technology.
Second blog (Media):
Social media engagement is an essential way for interaction between people worldwide. However, sometimes this interaction tends to be a negative one depending on how people engage with it. Also, social media networks like Facebook , twitter, Instagram and lots more keep people in direct contact through comments and chatting. Thus, this type of engagement has become an indispensable factor for living by transforming the world into a smaller one. I don’t think that this social media engagement will ever stop, but I can assure that it will be spreading more and more.
Third and final blog (Gender and Sexuality):
The debates week was a really interesting period of this course. Since, we got to defend our point of views and argue against others depending on our personal opinion. My teams topic was Hymenoplasty , in which females reconstruct their hymen. Moreover, we were with this surgery and defended our point of view through different sides of view. It was really interesting since we got to know a lot of different knowledge about this surgery that we weren’t aware of. In the end, both teams got to acquire knew knowledge and information about a lot of debatable topics.

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