Annotated Bibliography

Kazoo. “A review of the extent, nature, characteristics and effects of bullying behavior in schools. ” Journal of Instructional Psychology, Volvo. 35(2), Junk 2008: 151-158. Print. Discusses the similarities between bullies and their targets, overviews the long term effects on children who have been victims to bullying, and displays statistics about children who have been bullied earn less than those who eve not.

Explains the types of bullying such as cyber, verbal, physical, and emotional. It also goes in depth with the physiological effects of long term bullying such as brain damage and depression that can persist onto adulthood Bernstein, Robert. “U. S. Census Bureau projections show a slower growing, older, more diverse nation a half century from now. ” United States Census Bureau. 29 January 2013. Web. 3 May 2013. Provides statistics from the previous census and sakes a claim that the white population is rapidly decreasing.

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The article gives a projection of when the white race is expected to become a minority. The article thoroughly discusses the consistent, rapid decline of the white population while also giving information about the increasing Hispanic population. The article says it is expected that the white population will be exceeded around 2043, with the dominant language being Spanish. Horopito, Bruce. Advertisers put obese people in the spotlight. ” USA Today. October 2012. Web. 3 May 2013. Makes the claim that obesity has become socially accepted and argues that major brands are trying to change that by displaying the severe consequences of obesity. The companies showing such ads warn the viewers of the severe effects of obesity such as diabetes. States that food commercials are still showing ads that contain unhealthy foods and, most importantly, do not show the consequences. By treatable